The Heart of the Matter

“You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.” Psalm 51:16-17 Back when God required sacrifices and burnt...

Goodbye, Dear Friend

As I sit here reflecting on this day – a day of remembering you, I am thankful for the beauty of the day. It seemed to reflect your spirit and the legacy you left behind. A quiet, gentle sky. A warm sun, like your handshake. A light breeze of God’s breath on those who...

Son in Your Eyes

Is the Son in your eyes today?  I hope so!  Challenging as it can be to drive with the sun in our eyes … how much better to drive with the Son in our eyes. Each move we make, each step we take, every moment of our day we should pray for the Son to be in our...

Rolling Through the Stops

Oh those stop signs that slow us down!  If nothing is coming, why can’t we just keep on going? And the more we roll through, the less and less we take time to fully look around.  The more we miss.  Until BAM!  Something, or SomeOne, stops us. Are...

Absolute Best

I woke up this morning in ponder-mode.  Throughout the day when I had a break I went back there, and again this evening… pondering how we as parents, teachers, coaches, etc. can so easily send the wrong messages to kids.  A kid is known to be very...