What’s in Front of You?

When I see a bumper sticker or symbol that points to Jesus, I wonder if it makes the driver think twice about how they respond to other drivers and traffic. I wonder if it would make me think twice. Maybe I should wear a shirt or necklace every day that says “Jesus”...

What’s in a Verse?

What’s in a verse? A verse in the Bible, a verse in a song, the verse of a card. What’s in a verse? Reading Psalm 116, I stopped on verse 15: “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His faithful servants.”  Obviously, if we pull just that verse out by...

An Open Grave

A fish in beautiful array, a lion with its flowing mane, a classy leopard with its spotted coat … These all have something in common: they are beautiful to look at – until they open their mouth. How quickly their demeanor can turn fierce and even become deadly. How...

Should We Be Scared?

A question was recently posed to me: Does “fear the Lord” mean we are to be scared of Him?  Deuteronomy 6:13 says to fear the Lord your God and serve Him only. Psalm 19:9 says the fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever. Psalm 34:7 says the angel of the Lord...

Well, I Declare!

When we declare something, we are making something known. I hear this word thrown around (not necessarily in a good way) as I listen to examples of false teachers and warnings against them.  So how is the word really used in the Bible. What does God mean? “You...


Have you ever pruned plants, built a shelf, put parts on a car, and “Oops”? That wasn’t the branch you wanted to trim, the shelf isn’t level, or there’s a leftover bolt on the ground. Oops: a word we never want to hear God say. And He doesn’t!  He doesn’t make a...