“It was a cold and windy day on our way to school, and the snow was blowing so hard it would freeze on our faces faster than we could say frosty the snowman. We had to walk to and from school when I was growing up, and we walked uphill both ways!” And everyone laughs...

Good & Faithful

I’ve been reflecting on the question am I doing the things God has laid on my heart, using the gifts God has given me in the way He wants me to. And as I reflect, I thought I would share my thoughts here in the hopes that it both challenges and encourages you as well....

How Easily It Besets Us

As we start at the beginning and read through Genesis, we don’t get very far before deceitfulness comes into the picture: the serpent deceived Eve, wanting to sway her trust in God (Genesis 3). In Genesis 6:5 during the days of Noah there was no reverence or fear of...

Back to the Beginning

In the beginning … there is so much to the “In the beginning” in God’s Word: * God created the heavens and the earth. He created everything in it. He is over it all, yet He loves us. * He created man and woman – no in betweens that make us question our identity....

When God Looks At Us

What does God see when He looks at us?  What makes Him even want to give us the time of day? We are a fallen and broken people, selfish, prideful, sheep gone astray. Yet He reaches down to us, He offered His Son Jesus to take the punishment for our sin, so that...

The Ultimate Valentine

What would you say is the ultimate valentine gift? How far would you go to show the depth of your love for your valentine? For me, the absolute ultimate valentine gift is Jesus’ death & resurrection, when He freely gave His life for all. I mean, think about it:...