How often we forget things.  How easily we forget – sometimes too easily.  We walk into a room and forget why.  We go to the store and forget what we needed.  We forget pieces of a conversation with a friend.  And unfortunately, we forget what...

God Loves You!

When is the last time we just stopped and meditated on this truth? God loves YOU! “For God so loved the world (He so very much loved you, me, everyone) that He gave His one and only Son (would you give your only son to die for the world?), that whoever believes...


Fires rage across the land and the gray ash fills the sky, polluting the air and suffocating the sun so that it’s a faint circle of light, with no visible rays.  On the one hand, it’s sad seeing such little light in the vast sky. Yet on the other hand, it’s...


“Blessed is the one You discipline Lord, the one You teach from your law; You grant them relief from days of trouble, till a pit is dug for the wicked.” Psalm 94:12-13 Relief: feeling of reassurance and relaxation following release from anxiety or...

When God is Quiet

Maybe He is waiting for you to take the step He placed in front of you, in faith.  Hebrews 11:6, James 2:14-17 Maybe He is listening to the depth of your heart’s cry. Psalm 5:1-3 Maybe He is sitting quietly with you while you are being quiet.  Psalm 46:10...