It’s fun trying on different glasses in a store, and even more fun doing it with a friend. We laugh at how the shape of the frame changes our look, and if the lenses are different prescriptions or colors we laugh at how it changes our view.
A few years ago a friend told me it was time to take off my rose-colored glasses. I remember thinking, “What are you talking about? Though life is hard and full of trials and knock-downs, God is still good and in Him there is always hope. So I’m holding on to hope.” However, there is a time to put the glasses on and a time to take them off.
Rose-colored glasses can give a more vibrant look to the colors and objects we see. Things can seem brighter and clearer, optimistic. Our attitude may be more positive and cheerful, and our confidence boosted in the midst of challenging times. Yet if we leave the glasses on all the time, our view of reality is skewed and creates unrealistic expectations, not to mention hindering us from seeing all that God is doing – in both the good and the bad.
I’m reminded of Romans 8:18-31: seeing our life through God’s eyes and holding onto the hope of redemption while seeing the reality of our weaknesses here on earth, and trusting that God truly does work all of it together for good according to His purpose. I know for myself, I have a tendency to try adding different colors to the lenses – for perfection, control, a better view. But the more colors I add, the more muddied the view and then I can’t see at all. Thank God He still makes something of the mess, and thank God He does not expect us to be perfect. Only to trust and obey.
So how about you? Are you having trouble seeing clearly? Maybe you need more hope and clearer vision, or maybe your eyes need opened to reality. Don’t be afraid to use those rose-colored glasses, and don’t be afraid to take them off. You just might be surprised at what God wants to show you! He’s waiting for you.
It’s time to change your glasses.