Prayer: the subject of many books, devotions, sermons … and a topic I’ve written about in past blogs and in my book Add to Your Faith.  And I find myself back at this privilege of Prayer once again, remembering something Paul wrote in Philippians 3:1 “It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again, and it is a safeguard for you.”

When we’re in conversations, we can learn a lot by listening to what is being said.  But do we listen? Or does our mind just dance around with the words we want to add to the conversation?  There’s an important harmony in the listening and speaking.  And the same is true in prayer, for that is our conversation with God.  A privileged conversation with God.

This morning I caught myself doing that control-thing in my prayers again, asking God to make things happen a certain way, in a specific time frame, based on what I picture working best.  And while we can approach Him with specific requests – and He wants us to be honest with Him – there should also be humility and acknowledgement of who He is and that His ways are best.  Not sure I had that going on in my conversation with Him.  Which then led to my next question – was it a conversation or a monologue?

I’m reminded of what Jesus taught His disciples in John 15 regarding our requests of the Father: “If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for You” (vs 7). The context is Jesus talking about our bearing much fruit for God’s glory by remaining in Him, staying in His Word so we can be filled with His wisdom and understanding, focusing on His path for us to the glory of God. And by remaining, we can ask for the right things, we can listen and talk. Our hearts can be in the right place with our requests. 

This is not meant to throw water on our spirit when we pray.  No need to approach God like a drowned rat, afraid to talk with Him.  “In Him [Jesus Christ] and through faith in Him, we may approach the throne of God with freedom and confidence” (Ephesians 3:12).  We truly can ask for what we wish, as Jesus said.  But may our hearts be in the right place.  May we acknowledge that it all be according to God’s will and ask that we would trust Him in that.

God the Father loves you. He sent His Son Jesus who died and rose for you, and He gives His Spirit to guide you.  Let Him embrace you with His truth, and don’t stop believing that He has your best interests in mind that both bring Him glory and enrich your life.